Become a steward of a “Rock F.a.e.r.i.e.” rock!

The Rock F.a.e.r.i.e.s (Faces and energetic rocks in earth) are unique one-of-a-kind rocks found within the powerfully energetic circle of mountains called the ‘Sky Islands’ here in Bisbee, Arizona! Bisbee is an old mining town, known for its turquoise, gold, silver, and especially copper. These rocks are collected from a soil that is also abundant in quartz crystal and iron, which are electromagnetic conductors.

These rocks have a big presence, and can help us to shift, ground, heal and gain fresh energy and perspective. Their energy is positively transformative! Design a wire wrap to wear them on you (or just place in your pocket); keep them in a special place in the house or under your pillow. Make friends and hold them often!